Can Beyond Classrooms book flights?

Yes, Beyond Classrooms can book flights. We are registered with The International Air Transport Association (IATA) as an international travel provider.

Do chaperones pay the program fee or are they free with the trip with a certain number of students?

We do not change any fees or make any profit on faculty costs. We simply quote the fixed costs such as the teacher's additional accommodation and flights costs etc.  We fully respect that teachers are part of the working team on trip (that they are not on a holiday), and thus we don’t charge extra for them being here with us. 

However, the truth is, sadly 'nothing is free', and if travel companies quote "Teachers Travel Free", I’m afraid the is that they have simply added the teacher's costs on top of the student price.  It is completely up to each school if they would prefer the teacher's cost to be included or not (and it often comes down to whom is funding the program, the school or parents). 

How are students with food allergies accommodated?

We are fully accommodating to allergies and dietary requirements, and we ask you for a full student-by-student list of medical and dietary requirements before the trip, so that we are fully prepared to provide the best possible service.  We also work very closely with teachers and parents to ensure students bring any medication they may need in emergency situations, so that parents are fully aware of what is and isn't available here in the country you are traveling to.

We also have a very strict no-nut policy for all student programs. Other dietary requirements can also be fully met, such as vegetarian, gluten free, halal, kosher etc. as required.  

What happens if a student gets sick or injured?

All of our program leaders are first-aid certified. Based on our assessment, if we believe an illness or injury requires medication or a simple dressing, we will receive authorization from the head teacher before providing a treatment. If the student’s illness or injury is beyond our capacity, we will transport the student to the nearest hospital identified in our risk assessment.

We conduct a thorough risk assessment before all trips, either upon survey trips with you, or on your behalf. A full plan for emergency scenarios is made in advance, which involves listing routes to the best medical facilities in every destination visited. Only the highest standard of safety equipment is used, and satellite phones and emergency oxygen are also available for remote and high-altitude adventures. Please note that we conduct full risk assessments for all programs on a case-by-case basis, one month prior to each trip.  Any earlier than this, and we regard the assessment as out-of-date and invalid.

Does Beyond Classrooms provide a packing list?

Yes. You will actually receive what we call a 'Pre-Departure Booklet' which is a very thorough document, usually about 30 pages long (to circulate to parents as you see fit).  This includes a full packing list, and pages and pages of all other essential and useful information... from the climates you will experience, to recommended book lists, just in case you want to enjoy some reading before the trip!

Are there any safety checks for the vehicles?

Safety checks are performed on vehicles prior to each trip. Drivers then check every morning for any issues with the vehicles. Staff check that all seatbelts function. The bus will not move until all students are seated and have fastened their seatbelts. Drivers take a break every 3-4 hours during long drives.

The bus companies we work with only hire experienced drivers and have carried out driver's’ licenses and history checks.

All of our itineraries for our school trips abroad are tailored. The best way to get your questions answered is to send us an email. Get in touch at info@beyondclassrooms.org